It is amazing how many conservative Republicans that I know have the ridiculous notion that G. W. Bush is treated unfairly by the supposedly “liberal” Democrat controlled news media. It just goes to show you what a good dose of brainwashing by this same media will do for you. If anything, the news media has been complicit in keeping the considerable number of Bush family skeletons hidden away within their walk-in closet. There is so much dirt out there on this family, going all the way back to GW’s great Grandfather Samuel P. Bush, who supplied arms to both sides of WWI, that if Bush’s supposed enemies really wanted to bring him down, they could do it tomorrow.
For instance, I remember watching a History Channel program about an attempted coup of the FDR administration by a who’s who list of the wealthy and powerful at the time, who wanted to install a Nazi government here in the U.S.. At the top of this list of influential people was Prescott Bush (GW’s Grandfather.) These power brokers paid a visit to a certain retired war hero, and proceeded to ask him if he would lead this crazy thing. He pretended to go along and then turned over everything he had on them to the Government. Congressional hearings were held, but most of it was swept under the rug , leading to charges of corruption against Congress (corrupt? Not our Congress!)
In 1936, William Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt:
"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.... A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies. Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there. Propagandists for fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions."
It is a well known fact, by those that have done their research, that U.S. corporations, prior to and during WWII, were aiding and abetting the Nazis. Household names like General Motors, IBM, Colgate, Ford, DuPont, etc., helped the Nazi cause in some shape or form. It is a disturbing thing to know, but the Nazi war machine was largely financed and built up by American and British economic muscle on Wall Street and in London. None did more to help this cause than the Prescott Bush managed Union Banking Corporation and his Hamburg Amerika shipping line, which provided financing, as well as smuggled goods and Nazis in and out of the country; both were later confiscated by the government under the Trading With the Enemies Act. It’s all part of the Congressional record.
The tumultuous 60's saw the rise of many cultural upheavals, none quite had the effect on the public psyche that the Kennedy assassination of November 22, 1963 did. It's not too difficult to discredit the public spectacle known as the Warren Commission, but few have any idea that there is considerable evidence to suggest the involvement of G. H. W. Bush, who was then heavily involved in CIA training operations for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The same CIA-trained assassin team, which was supervised by Bush, was later identified and photographed at Dealey Plaza, Dallas on the day of Kennedy's murder. Later, when the so-called "smoking gun" Nixon tapes were released, where Nixon mentions the "Texans," "Cubans," and that "Bay of Pigs thing," the Congressional liaison at the time William Timmons asked Dean Burch if Bush had heard the tape yet,
"Dean, does Bush know about the transcript yet?"
"Yes," responded Burch. "Well, what did he do?" inquired Timmons.
"He broke out into assholes and shit himself to death," replied Burch.
Even more strange was the eulogy that Bush (the elder) delivered at President Ford's funeral,
"After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good."
Not so strange when you understand that photographic evidence had been unearthed placing him at the Texas Book Depository on the day of the shooting.
The current quagmire in the Middle East, long created by the British and American intelligence apparatus in the area since WWI, is indicative of the long-standing relationship between the Bush and Saudi royal families, which consists of the Bin Laden family. This "Muslim Brotherhood" has created the perfect pretext for rampant war profiteering, which reached whole new levels in both Iraq wars, as Bush family friends crisscross the globe, making blood a very profitable business. Just as Saddam Hussein was a puppet of Donald Rumsfeld under the Reagan administration (Daddy Bush as Vice President,) the Bin Ladens have been puppets of both Bush regimes; both were key components of the world oil oligarch. Now we have Iran, which has always been a favorite CIA playground since WWII (Norman Schwartzkopf Sr. helped oust the Shah of Iran and instigate the hostage crisis of the 70's,) posturing for nuclear annihilation (what idiot would do this?)
Apparently, Bush and the President of Iran are both big Texas Longhorn fans (this is not the Texas "hook em horns" salute that Bush claims it is.)
Then there are the myriad of sex and drug scandals in the 80's and 90's, involving call boy and girl rings, that have surrounded both Bush administrations. The Omaha, Nebraska Franklin S&L scandal, the strange events surrounding the cultish Children of God that frequented the Bush White House, which include the cults connection to political assassinations and CIA MK-Ultra experiments like Jonestown, and now we have what is being dubbed as the D.C. Madame scandal with ties to the current Bush White House. All of this with connections to CIA-run (G.H.W. Bush was director) drug smuggling, worldwide child prostitution, and money laundering S&L fronts, which brought about the S&L crisis of the 80’s (and you wondered why the government bailed these guys out.) Can you say “corrupt?”
The on going cover-up of Sept. 11th has taken a new twist, as every attempt at reconciliation by the families of the victims of Sept. 11th has been thwarted amongst the political show of the Warren Commissionesque 9-11 Commission and a justice system hell-bent on preventing any answers from surfacing. Recently, we have the machinations of one Judge Hellerstein, which have stonewalled 24 families seeking answers to important questions. Why is the Bush administration denying these families the justice that they deserve?
And now we have the rampant corruption (largely unreported) surrounding the recent Department of Justice firings by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. What you haven’t read in the national media: At least five DOJ attorneys investigating Medicare Fraud have either ended up dead or were fired, a sixth was forced to resign. The company that they were all investigating was Texas-based Novation LLC. Novation has ties to the White House in that the President’s brother Jeb Bush joined the board of directors of Novation member Tenet Healthcare on April 12, 2007 and George W’s cousin’s company wrote software for hospital equipment global reference numbers, allowing for billions of tax payer’s money to be stolen under fraudulent Medicare claims (I don’t recall anyone asking Alberto about this at the Senate hearing?)
This isn’t just some wild speculation folks, but the cold facts with the historical record and eye-witness testimony to back them up. Though they may try, they can’t make it all go away. With this much ammo, one has to wonder why the so-called “enemies” of Bush haven’t acted on any of it? The best that these people could come up with is that Geedub had a DUI, while a young man? Why has the bulk of information pertaining to the Bush family remained buried beneath the mountain of unimportant Paris Hilton-goes-to-jail crap that they pass off as news worthy today? Could it be that they are all on the same side; that the dichotomy between “left” and “right,” “conservative” and “liberal” is a false dichotomy designed to keep us distracted with meaningless issues and political show, while they rob us blind?
by Ryan Bradfield