This book, written in the 1950's by Eustace Mullins, is probably the foremost authority on the secret history behind the creation of the Federal Reserve System within the United States. It is a very detailed treatise that spans at least five decades. Based partly on a conversation with literary giant Ezra Pound, his research conducted at the Library of Congress, and the autobiographical accounts of first-hand witnesses, this work was banned in many countries, and initially could not find an American Publisher brave enough to print it. The scary reality exposed by this literary work is not for the faint of heart. It details how the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was planned, orchestrated, and carried out by the agents of the House of Rothschild, a powerful European banking family, in an attempt to garner the great financial power and potential of the American people. It also details how from all of this, the Great Depression, WWI, and WWII were contrived and manipulated through this same insidious monetary system. It is a must read for anyone that cares about their personal freedom and liberty. Read it at your own risk!

The London Connection


Eustace Mullins