Social Engineering


Government-sanctioned racism in corporate America is quickly becoming an epidemic.

The token white male is now the target of racial engineering campaigns waged by so-called "socialists" (what used to be referred to as communists) from across the nation and from within our government.

According to their convoluted reasoning, racism is a good thing, so long as you refer to it as "diversity training" or "racial preferences." You see, certain perceived "minority groups" need an extra hand up, so it is only fitting that we discriminate against those born a certain race, or sex, in order to provide a more equitable social dynamic.

Of course, who or what decides which minority groups our government will favor, or what perceived majorities will be targeted for elimination?

It is bad enough that corporations frequently target workers for termination based on their age (how close to a pension they may be), but now they receive kickbacks from our government for maintaining the perception of a more "diversified" work environment, which simply means that out-of-favor workers will lose their jobs to less qualified applicants based on their sex, race, or religion.

All of this social engineering begins to make sense, when one realizes that communism began as a purely anti-Semitic doctrine. Stalin murdered more undesirables than any dictator in world history, but modern society seems to believe that the Nazis were the only despotic regime with a virulently racist dogma.

These semantic games played by the leftist vanguard are enough to make anyone's head spin. Racism is racism, pure and simple! No matter the flowery description, a sanitation engineer is still a janitor, and reverse discrimination is still racism.

All of this talk of "minority groups" is oxymoronic, for the smallest constituency of any minority is the individual. It is high time that we got back to the principles found in the organic law of this country - "that all men are created equal."

by Ryan Bradfield