What's The Solution?


"If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite." Gary Allen, Author


What is the solution to the mess that we find ourselves in?  To begin, there is no easy solution to a problem of this kind.  I offer nothing easy or simple.  The money-changers have had over a thousand years to weave their tangled web, and it will take considerable time to untangle the mess that they have left us in.  It will take the courage of an informed and justly motivated public in order to reverse the tide.  These moneyed cowards rely on deceit and propaganda in order to maintain control because they are but a few, while the masses teem.  So any solution must begin with education.


Education and the Media


"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."-- Johann W. Von Goethe

Our current education/media complex is designed for a dual but reciprocal purpose:  to destroy all individuality and to produce automatons designed to unwittingly do their master's bidding.  We are a television-engrossed-programmed society, going to work, going to church, going to school, but never questioning why?  So many of us go about our programmed routines without ever questioning the reasons for it all.  In essence, if you actually sat down to think to yourself why you do the things that you do, the inevitable answer would rear its head:  because everyone else does them.  For example, someone from medieval times would never be able to adapt to the present society.  So many ideas and customs would be foreign to them that they would likely flee in terror back to their collectivist-caste worldview from which they came, much like the elderly have difficulty in adapting to the new computer age.  So much of who we are is programmed into us from the world around us, that there is any wonder that we become depressed when we realize the inevitable truth:  we are not who we think we are.  This begs the question:  who am I?  Many philosophers across generations have tried to answer that question, and they have arrived at varying conclusions; but one thing is for sure:  we are all individuals living in a community of individuals. 

The propaganda/media complex tells us that we are free, but many are surprised when they stop to look at those claims and realize that their lives are not their own.  Our present anti-culture seeks to hide this knowledge from the masses, but in order for society to flourish, the rights of the individual must be acknowledged and our individual minds must be set free from the conceptual prison that we find ourselves in.  Try to think outside of the societal box that tells you that you must eat with a spoon as opposed to chop sticks, or that you must depend on government for everything.  Try to find yourself amongst the sea of propaganda-induced delusions. History has shown that Tyrants can only rule by deception.  Stop falling for their hoax!  Secret societies, secret police (FBI, CIA), and shadow governments are a product of tyranny, and have no place in a free society.  If your society consists of any of these, then you are not free!  Only criminals need to keep secrets from the public.  Don't be fooled into believing their lies when they tell you that it is for your own good (national security).  No greater lie has ever been told!

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see? Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters; the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand; most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. "-- Quote from The Matrix

 Though our founding sages were certainly religious, and incorporated their moral beliefs in the Declaration and Constitution, America’s founding fathers gained their wisdom not from arguing philosophy, preaching religion, or manipulating politics but from understanding secular natural law (science) and factual historical knowledge back to classical Rome and Greece. What were these moral beliefs founded in natural law (science)? It was the belief that all men are created equal, which puts them on par with kings. Don't allow the government to fool you into thinking that you are anything less than they are. Such an assertion amounts to tyranny.  

You will come to learn that much of what you believe to be reality is manipulated.  If the people were to suddenly realize the dimensions of the fraud being perpetrated against them, there would be such a clamor that the cowards running the scam would run for the hills, and like the “Wizard of Oz”, the man behind the curtain would be fully exposed.  In fact, there are scholars that believe that Frank L. Baum’s children’s classic is an allegory referring to the government corruption of the time.  An informed public is the greatest threat to an establishment, and the only way that the public can be informed is by taking back the media outlets and schools from the government and government’s financiers.  Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to educate given to Congress.  Our schools must be free and private institutions in order to foster fair competition (what better competition on the free market than schools competing to better educate your children?) and unfettered access to the “truth”.  For once, our teachers will actually get paid what they disserve, as opposed to the pathetic government salaries that they now receive.  The free market is the best alternative to educating our children.  Instead of paying illegal property taxes to local governments (a clear infringement on property rights) you could be paying the school of your choice (directly) to educate your children.  After all, nature always does a better job than man, and that is why the free market is a necessary component of any Capitalist society.  With a properly informed public the house of cards that the bankers built will crumble. 


Clearly, freedom of the press is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and is essential to an educated and informed public.  A free person goes hand in hand with a free mind.  Without freedom of speech and of the press, no freedom can exist; therefore it is appropriate that our founding fathers placed this at the top of the list of prohibitions against government (the Bill of Rights).  As things currently are, the government controls all of the major media outlets.  As evidence of this fact, all one has to do is make note of all of the various talking points that are passed from news station to news station.  You get the exact same news, whether you are watching CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, or PBS. One has to wonder why they even bother having more than one station?  From Hollywood to the print media, they are all in lock step.  The Government influences the media via its many alphabet soup regulatory agencies, such as the FCC and the FTC, and the financiers control the media via the government and by owning them outright.  We must return the press and the media to working on behalf of the people, as opposed to working on behalf of the power elites.  Government must be made "hands off".






And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too  frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”-- Lord Acton


Any authority given to government above that which is naturally derived from the unalienable rights of the individual is a coercive and dangerous force against all liberty, justice, and civilization.


There is probably no more misunderstood economic system in the world today than capitalism.  The propagandists in our media and our institutions of higher learning have sufficiently muddied the waters to the point that most cannot tell the difference between capitalism, fascism, and communism.  Our children are being taught communist ideals that are being passed off as capitalism in our schools.  No wonder they are so confused!  They are taught that evil corporations are the cause of every major problem in the world, and the solution is to strengthen the Federal Government, so that it can keep the corporations at bay.  Nothing could be further from the truth. What is required is the separation of Economy and State. It is precisely because of the lack of this separation that has born the giant corporate fascist state that exists today.


 A "pure" monopoly cannot exist in a laissez-faire economy because competitors will always be nipping at its heels when uninhibited by government.  It is impossible to eliminate all competition in a free market, and that is why you will find companies with a large share of the market who have earned it, but never a total share.  If a strong company betrays the public trust, then they will find that their market share will be given to their competitors-- and any company that does command a sizable share of the market honestly will have earned and disserve it; and can only sustain it by continuing to deal honestly, and by producing the best possible product or service at the best possible price.  Any question in the quality of merchandise or the integrity of the company, and their competitors will gain, which is the natural course of the free market.   Only in an economy where government sets unnatural precedent by doling out favors and the setting up of minimum standards, can companies that deal dishonestly flourish.  Every monopoly or oligopoly in American history was created through government favors, subsidies and protection.  Congress has become exceedingly corrupt, passing every bill at the behest of corporate lobbyists, as opposed to defending the liberties of their constituents and living up to their oaths of office.  Let me make one thing clear:  a group of moneychangers that acquired their wealth by fraudulent means does not represent Capitalism.  It is in fact called fascism, and or communism, but not capitalism.  What is the difference between a rich King that steals from his subjects, and a group of moneychangers that steal their way to a totalitarian regime, whereby they rule with fiat power?  There is none.


Much of the confusion concerning capitalism arises from the misconception of the modern economy, which bares nothing of capitalism, but is in fact fascism. The corporate system must be divorced from our political system and governments, if we are to stand a chance. The ridiculous decision by the Supreme Court of granting more rights to corporations than to private citizens under the Constitution of the United States of America must be repealed, and the reigns of government must be placed firmly back into the hands of the people, where it belongs, and out of the hands of corporate gangsters and their goons. I suggest that we do away with the corporate straw man all together. I can see no need for it other than giving corporations an enormous amount of power, and for the enslavement of human beings under the Universal Commercial Code (which is the code of corporations.) There’s no real need for a means of protecting oneself from litigation unless one plans on dealing dishonestly or criminally. Unfortunately, a great amount of damage has been done to our freedom and liberty in this country thanks to the corporate cartels, but this damage is not yet beyond repair. All of the fascist laws and alphabet soup bureaucracies created on behalf of the corporate cartels, such as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 should be repealed, and America should be placed immediately back on a gold or silver standard. Our money must be taken back from the banksters that are robbing us all blind, and driving us towards another Great Depression. Most of all, the American people must realize that their rights are not derived from anything below (a vote, a constitution, a politician), but are in fact derived from above (natural law, creator, whichever you prefer.) Once this is realized, then it must be actualized… demand your unalienable rights as a human being and not as a corporate straw man!

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini, 1883-1945, Fascist dictator of Italy


Few realize that most of what our government does today is taken directly from the “Communist Manifesto”.  Here are the ten planks of that manifesto with some commentary on FDR’s use of these in his “New Deal”:


1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (FERA acquired 25 million dollars of land by mid-1935; the Resettlement Administration later bought many millions of Acres; FDR called for national land redistribution in his 1st inaugural)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. ("...the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes." FDR, PPA 1935:274; 1935 Wealth Tax Act; FDR imposed a 90 percent rate on corporations and issued a decree that no one could make more than ,000 after taxes - overridden by Congress.)

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (1935 Wealth Tax Act with its confiscator inheritance taxes)

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (cf. 117,000 Americans of Japanese descent 1941 which the ACLU calls "the worst single wholesale violation of civil rights of American citizens in our history." FDR wanted to put ethnic Germans in concentration camps too, but there were too many.)

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Banking Act of 1935, gold confiscation by Proclamation 2039 in March 1933 and formalized in the 1934 Gold Reserve Act, etc.)

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. (Federal Communications Act of 1934, Railroad Coordination Act, ICC, FTC; FDR put private air mail carriers out of business and had the Army deliver mail in '34)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (TVA (FDR proposed 7 other TVA-like projects), Rural Electrification; the NRA was business and industrial planning; on 8/14/41 the House rejected FDR's Property Seizure Bill passed by the Senate which would have given him dictatorial power over all business and industry as well as confiscated all private arms; Resettlement Administration)

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (CCC, CWA, PWA, WPA, etc)

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. (Subsistence Homestead Division, Rural Rehabilitation Division of FERA, and the Resettlement Administration)

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. (NRA)

You can’t get more damning evidence than that!  Notice points seven and nine, and compare to the present, where all agriculture in this country has been corporatized; and all of these corporations are controlled by the government and the banks that own them.  The use of government controlled monopolies in order to squeeze out all private enterprise is very much a part of the communist plan, and it has been enacted with full force and fury here in the United States, where huge conglomerates control virtually every market, and where every chain store is owned by the same people, e.g. Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Pepsi Co, and KFC are owned by the same giant conglomerate, and these giants answer only to their financial masters:  the banks.


Before the 1920’s, almost everyone was an entrepreneur.  We had a largely agrarian society that advanced “rugged individualism” and self-reliance.  You were one of two things back then:  a farmer or a business owner.  You didn’t expect the government to take care of you, and you would have been appalled at the thought of your neighbor giving you money or anything else for that matter.  Back then you had a certain amount of pride that didn’t allow a man to ask for charity, even if he were starving (though if you were starving you can rest assured that your community would chip in to help).  There was a sense of community and family along with individualism (this is a paradox, but being human is a paradox).  Of course, this all changed with FDR and his “Raw Deal” for America.  Agriculture, business and the economy, the media, and the family (social security) were taken over by the State.  In less than a generation, FDR turned America from her pioneering entrepreneurial spirit into a slavish society, wholly dependent on the graces of government.  Technology and advancement were turned against their natural functions, and turned into tools of statists for the enslavement of society.  Today we find ourselves in a society where almost no one is an entrepreneur, and where almost everyone works for a giant corporate conglomerate with a government promise to take care of them in the future. 


One of the number one search topics on the Internet today are home based businesses.  It seems that everyone wants to free themselves from their lives of working for the government, but so many seem to fail.  Our lives are so controlled by the government that most of us could hardly imagine life without government-established utilities; giant corporate farms feeding us poisoned (pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics) and tainted food, and huge retailers that sell us everything from clothing to the fast food that we eat.  In the past, people could make their own clothing, grow their own food, and dig their own wells, but in present society a few days without electricity can be traumatic.


 Don't get me wrong, I am not against technological advancement at all, in fact, I am very much for it; capitalism by definition fosters it.  No one enjoys the benefits afforded us by technology and science more than I do, but I am against the government controlled monopoly on technology and science that currently exists.  Have you ever stopped and wondered why we are still driving the same gas guzzling dinosaurs that our great grandfathers drove?  Could it be that that is what the government wants-- us to be dependent on them and their oil?  That seems to be the only logical reason that I can come up with.  I see how cell phones and computers have advanced in only a few short years, and then I look at my Model T in the driveway, and I have to wonder.  The same goes with science, which hasn't progressed all that much since Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  There seems to be a scientific orthodoxy in our schools (the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum reality) that seemingly can't be breeched by our brightest minds, who are trapped in a loop of programmed thought.  It makes you wonder if the government came upon a major scientific discovery, would they let the rest of us in on it?  Government influence over the Arts and Sciences should be broken.             


We must return the free market back to the people that make up the economy.  The government must remain “hands off” in regards to the economy, and natural market forces must be allowed to determine the supply and demand of the market economy.  A free and unfettered market, protected by just and fair laws must be allowed to exist in order for social equity to gain hold again. 


Capitalism is dependant upon justice and the defense of individual liberty.  The smallest constituency of any minority is the individual, and by necessity of logic, is the only minority that possesses unalienable rights.  The defense of these unalienable rights:  life, liberty, and property are the only place for a government.  Any exercise above this shall be labeled coercive and dangerous to society as a whole, thus they cannot be tolerated by a free society, or their freedom will always be at risk.  To provide for the common defense, and to set up and enforce just laws that defend these unalienable rights, is the only proper role for government in a capitalist society.




The Tenth Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."


Certain extreme elements of the Patriot movement and neo-nazi organizations have given fodder to radical communist groups in this country, allowing for the whole-scale slander of the names of good, conscientious and patriotic Americans. Any person that holds up the Declaration of Independence as a brilliant philosophical treatise is labeled an extremist or a radical that is equated to Timothy McVeigh and abortion clinic bombers. The word "extremist" has become an anti-term used to silence public debate on certain issues. It is a code word used by the communistic moneyed establishment for the whole-scale slander of all conservatives, and I use it very sparingly here.

The KKK, neo-nazis, some elements of the Patriot Movement, and extreme elements of the Christian Right sometimes advocate violence and revolt in response to the perceived injustices of government and society. They often replace one form of irrationality and tyranny with their own brand. It should be clear from the annals of history that you cannot fight tyranny with tyranny. Only a just cause and right intentions can win this proverbial "fight". You cannot hope to have freedom and liberty for yourself, unless you are willing to allow it for others. All must be free, or none of us will be. You must take the moral high ground in the fight for justice and liberty, or be doomed to the quagmire of confusion and violence. Terrorism is by far the number one tool of the intellectually handicapped and the uneducated. No one can claim to be for anything good, moral, or right, if they are for terrorism. Force is only morally, logically and legally authorized in defense of self and family. Any exercise above this, and it shall be considered coercive in nature, and no better than the tyranny that it is supposedly in response to. Violent groups, such as the KKK, show their intellectual inferiority by their violent actions, and by the stupidity of the racism that they espouse. They are by no means a proper accounting of the conservative movement in this country-- and any group or individual that seeks to malign well-intentioned and justly motivated lovers of liberty with the stink of violent, fascist and racist organizations (KKK and neo-nazi groups), should be held suspect. Know the dishonest intentions of those that compare conservatives with the likes of Timothy McVeigh, who was linked to the Masons, and was probably working on behalf of the CIA.

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw Light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe... corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.” —Abraham Lincoln

The South has had a rich history of thumbing its nose at the moneyed vultures of the North, since the times of the Civil War. The main southern issue at hand since the days of Jackson has been States rights and the doctrine of nullification, whereby a State can nullify Federal laws that are deemed unconstitutional. Andrew Jackson delayed the Civil War for thirty years by his clear and logical refutation of the doctrine of nullification, but war came and the Union was torn asunder. The issue of slavery took the fore front, but this issue was largely irrelevant and cannot lay claim to the differences between North and South. It was clear from the very beginning that slavery was not compatible with the Declaration of Independence, and the North had never threatened the South with any violent action that would free the slaves. The real issue of the Civil War was a financial one, as is the case with all wars. The North was largely a banking society that was heavily dependant on foreign industry and influence, while the South was more agricultural, and less dependant on foreign banks and the money class. The money class sought to create a Southern dependency on them, and the South would hear nothing of it. As long as the South remained mostly independent from the influences of the Bank of England, they would be a threat. This could not be allowed.

The South chose a violent means for dealing with the perceived injustices of the North, and as the old adage goes, "those who live by the sword, die by the sword". The South had no real moral ground to stand on, given the glaring injustice of slavery and the violent means to an end that they had chosen without provocation. They may have had a good case of abuse against the Federal government, but they chose to deal with this in an immoral and unconstitutional manner, and that was their death nail.

"Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the national Constitution amended. While I make no recommendation of amendments, I fully recognize the rightful authority of the people over the whole subject to be exercised in either of the modes prescribed in the instrument itself; and I should, under existing circumstances, favor rather than oppose a fair opportunity being afforded the people to act upon it."-- Lincoln's First Inaugural

As Abraham Lincoln pointed out in his First Inaugural Address, the South had chosen their course without real provocation from the North, while ignoring any peaceful and constitutional options that they might have had. They were hell-bent on going to war, and that was that. Don't make the same mistake that the South did. Utilize the options set forth in our Constitution for amending it, and for petitioning our Federal Government for redress of grievances.

The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This basic right to petition the government is largely unknown, and as a consequence, unused. Some in the radical movement contend that it is nothing more than an extension of the right to freedom of speech, but such nonsense would be redundant and superfluous to our first amendment construction. If it were so meaningless, then why did our founders make a point of including it in our first amendment? Do they simply enjoy repeating themselves unnecessarily? The truth is that this right is derived from common law and can be found in the Magna Carta:

Magna Carta (1215)
Section 61. "... the peace and liberties which we have conceded to them, and by this our present charter confirmed to them; in this manner, that if we or our justiciar, or our baliffs, or any of our servants shall have done wrong in any way toward any one, or shall have transgressed any of the articles of peace or security; and the wrong shall have been shown to four barons of the aforesaid twenty-five barons, let those four barons come to us or tour justiciar, if we are out of the kingdom, laying before us the transgression, and let them ask that we cause that transgression to be corrected without delay. ..." (Emphasis added by editor.)

Today this important right of a people ruled by a just government, supposedly derived of and by the people, has been revoked, and our Tenth Amendment made a mockery. Our public officials, who have sworn oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, go largely untouchable-- Supreme Court justices, Circuit judges, Presidents, Governors, and Senators cannot be sued by the people for the wrong actions that they have committed against the people. Can there be justice in a society where those placed in charge of upholding the law are not held accountable for the grievances that they cause the people? Are the people relegated to being the subjects of kings, who don't answer to any one? We must take back our guaranteed Constitutional rights, such as the right to petition our government for redress of grievances.

Also, the people still hold a Constitutional right to amend the Constitution, as implied by Lincoln above. We must use the Constitutional provisions available to us. The biggest problem that we have today is that most people don't know what their Constitution says, and are largely ignorant and uneducated. I will suggest an amendment later in this article. Only as a very last resort, and as a direct response to the initiation of force against you or your family, should violent means be condoned.





The Money Changers


The power to determine the quantity of money...is too important, too pervasive, to be exercised by a few people, however public-spirited, if there is any feasible alternative. There is no need for such arbitrary power ... Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, [so] that mistakes - excusable or not -  can have such far reaching effects, is a bad system. It is a bad system to believers in  freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic - this is the key political argument against an independent central bank.--  Nobel Lauriat Milton Friedman


If one looks at recent history objectively, it is obvious that every war, every revolt, and every major historical occurrence came about through the manipulation of coin and paper money.  In each instance the masses were deceived into giving up their personal liberty, and in some cases their lives, for the profit and the whimsy of a few old rich banking tycoons and or kings.  Money has ruled this world and it will continue to rule it, and those that seek to manipulate other’s money for their own personal gain are nothing more than common thieves.


Causing booms and busts is a tried and proven method of raking in massive wealth, and what people often forget when they lose what they have, is that in the process someone else has won it. Apart from making a small number rich at the expense of the many, in this case the instability also served the second purpose of encouraging the public to believe that they would be better off living under a Central Bank. Desperate people have little time for logic. 

Money, in and of itself, is not an evil thing anymore than owning a house is evil.  Money, when legitimately earned, represents your own personal work and property.  There is nothing inherently evil about that.  Some have oft misquoted the Bible to help prove their point that money is evil, but the Bible never states that money is evil, but in fact states that "for the love of money is the root of all evil".  But money must be legitimate and unaltered.  Phony bologna Federal Reserve Notes are illegitimate money that is evil in and of itself.  It is the equivalent of an IOU that was never intended to be paid.  It is the equivalent of fraud and theft.  Such money is an abomination!


Robert A. Mundell, a noted Nobel winning economist, last year at the Gustavus Adolphus Nobel Conference, stated “Money is a component of sovereignty.” 


If one does not own his money, then one does not own anything;  one is a slave, thus sovereignty and money are inextricably linked.  Our Declaration of Independence is a farce under such a money system, as that which is run by the Fed.


Money is representative of property, and property is the necessary consequence of a rational mind.  No property can exist without the mind, anymore than a house can build itself, or a field till itself for planting, or a book write itself; therefore all property is intellectual in nature.  Common animals lack a rational mind, though they do have need of personal territory (a spider spins his web) a dog can tear down a spider's web, and certainly has no rational reason to respect the territory of the spider, given that it has no rational mind and cannot follow rules or laws, nor can it reason.  There are no rules or laws in the lower animal kingdom, except that there are no laws.  Man is set apart from the rest of the animal kingdom due to his rational mind, which allows him to study the laws of nature, from which all man’s individual rights are derived.  All natural laws exist for the rational mind and for the rational mind alone, i.e., by necessity natural laws are rational.  No freedom or liberty can exist without property, which is the consequence of a rational mind, thus freedom and liberty starts with a free mind.  Our founding fathers were extremely wise to this principle when they crafted the First Amendment, which was the Bill of Right that freed the mind.  Above all else, our founders realized that a free mind was necessary to a free country.  It follows from this to conclusion, that a government that debases the money of society, which is the personal property of the people, is in violation of the natural property rights of every citizen of the State.  Money is the physical and intellectual property of the people and not of the State, which is by definition a non-entity.   


No special favors can be granted to corporate bankers by the government, and the influence that these corporate monsters have over our government must be broken. The power to print and create money must be returned to the people, who are the rightful heirs, and our Constitution must be upheld when it limits the power of Congress to issue only gold or silver as money in Art. I sect. 10.  The present Federal Reserve System must be abolished. 


It is perfectly idle to talk about a democracy or a republic when the sovereign power  is being exercised de facto by a small group of international bankers not committed to the long-term development of the country, who manipulate public opinion and politicians through their money and media control; the worst of whom seek to arrogate to themselves the exercise of absolute power. What are nations without justice but bands of robbers. - St. Augustine


Therefore the first monetary reform principle to emerge is that control over the monetary system must be taken back out of the private hands who have usurped the power of the State by deceit, bribery, and intrigue for their selfish or ideological ends, and be resumed by the State. From this it flows that money creation by private persons must be  prohibited, thus fractional reserve banking must be prohibited, and full reserve banking mandated by law.

Resolving this danger over the long-term demands that the monetary system be so  arranged as to facilitate the production, distribution and exchange of material goods and services in view of supporting the virtuous life of all of the members of society.  This requires a stabilized (i.e. not manipulated) price level, while avoiding the  opposite end-of-the-spectrum problem of government favoritism in lending. This summarizes  as follows:

Let us separate these principles (numeric), with their implicit corollaries  (alphabetic):

Monetary Reform Principles




1.) Require the issuance of all
     money (legal tender)
     by the State, exclusively;




a. this implies the prohibition of all
   private money creation;


b. this implies the prohibition of
   fractional reserve banking;


c. this implies the requirement of
   full reserve banking;


d. this implies withdrawal from
   international banks with credit/
   reserve-creating authority (such
   as the IMF SDRs);


2.) in amounts calculated to
stabilize the general price level;




a. this implies avoiding inflation
and deflation, a condition for
steady and healthy economic
growth, as government policy;


b. this implies the adoption of
a single commodity standard (e.g.
gold) inasmuch as no commodity
is available on the same time as
all goods in general (besides the
problems of hoarding, manipulation
through export, etc.);


c.this implies a fixed relationship
or rule between the quantity of
money and goods;


d. this may imply a war-time ex-
ception to #3, below;


e. this implies government policy
to stabilize excessive fluctuation
of exchange rates;


3.) without debt obligation to
private persons;




a. this implies paying off national
debts (not necessarily intra-
government debt);


b. this implies requiring full reserve


c. this implies the issuance of all
money (medium of exchange) by
the State;


4.) with all lending to be performed
by private legal persons, exclusively;




a. this implies the prohibition of all
government lending (e.g. contrary
to communist and national
socialist legislation);


b. this implies the prohibition of us-
urious rates of interest, which
defeat or prevent the beneficial
effects of lending and create
obstacles to secure ownership
of property;


c. #1, supra., implies that #4
would be limited by the amount
of funds the lender had or
obtains to lend;


5.) safeguarding the widespread
possession of private property.




a. this implies both the secure
(which implies permanent)
and modest possession of
private property by all
classes of people;


b. this implies a homestead exem-
ption from property taxation and
in bankruptcy;


c. this implies that the power to create
money not be delegated to private
persons for their individual benefit by
the State since this results in vast
concentrations of property;


d. this implies that the right to
private property is subordinated
to the right to common use where
the danger of economic domination
of the community is too great to
leave it in private hands.




 Would such reform make monetary policy a plaything for politicians, ending the independence of the Central Bankers? Yes, and so it should be! Quoting Prof. Friedman  again: This is an argument for, not against, eliminating the central bank's  independence. The economic order is properly subject to the political, not the reverse as is the case presently.

Elected officials with political accountability should run the country, not bankers, busily betraying their nation's autonomy and sovereignty. Further, capital is a mere instrument, a means of production at the service of man and his labor, not the reverse. It  should be subject to him, not he to it. This is simply to express the obvious primacy of man over things.

The fundamental, basic economic reform needed-- the abolition and  decriminalization of usury, is closely related to our topic, but beyond its specific scope. Let it suffice here to state that it is usury, defined as: the charging of  interest on a loan which is not productive, which is the root cause of the evils of fractional reserve banking and the debt finance system, which are merely "refinements" of it, as is compound interest and money manipulation in general.  Usury is not merely the charging of an excessive or unlawful rate of interest. Unless addressed, usury inevitably leads to these other evils, which are our focus here, and to the decay of justice and civilization.

Regarding a gold standard: there is no unanimity as to what type of gold standard to consider. However, except for a true gold standard - in which either gold coin or gold deposit certificates circulate as money - the others are easily manipulated. But even a true gold standard can be manipulated in a variety of ways, as history demonstrates, and has only this appeal: that it would certainly be better than the current state of affairs  in that it is one step more difficult to manipulate its quantity than a purely fiat  currency.

However, even a true gold standard has numerous problems (including its relative inelasticity in relation to GNP, GDP or similar yardsticks, resulting in, at least in the short-term, inflation and/or deflation) and would not be perfect.

 A bimetal standard is not an option either, as history has shown a bimetal standard to be somewhat unstable (see the panic of 1890).  However, no standard will be perfect;  though gold, due to its inelasticity relative GDP/ GNP is subject to inflation/deflation in the short-term, such fluctuations should be small, short, and will correct themselves easily.  A single silver or gold standard may be ideal for a natural system that doesn’t need to be perfect.  As long as the standard remains un-manipulated, it is much preferred to a fiat money system.  The natural ebb and flow of the market should be expected, but wild fluctuations caused by the manipulations of a few old men cannot be tolerated.

Perhaps an option is represented by the Monetarism principles espoused by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman:

Congress shall have the power to authorize non-interest-bearing  obligations of the government in the form of currency or book entries, provided that the  total dollar amount outstanding increases by no more than 5 percent per year and no less  than 3 percent.

Of course, this would entail keeping the present central banking fiat money system that has caused the problem in the first place.  Such a system would be untenable in practice, for it would entail the self-regulation of the Fed.  A situation where the inmates run the prison would not be ideal.  Besides, monetarism is only made necessary because of the debauched nature of fiat money.  It would be tantamount to maintaining a fraud through the self-regulating graces of the fraudsters.

Keeping the monetary base rate of growth within a fixed range, may alleviate any inefficiencies that a single commodity standard (e.g., gold or silver) might present, but I deem it to be unnecessary because the rate of growth will automatically maintain itself on a fixed rate in a free market without government or Federal manipulation.

It is a well-known fact that our vast gold reserves in this country have been stolen and taken to Europe.  It is said that the Rothchild dynasty controls two thirds of the world gold; therefore a gold standard may not be feasible or prudent.  Anyhow, some contend, such as Murray N. Ruthbard, that increasing the money supply actually does nothing in the long-term aggregate to increase capital.  The economy will compensate and the new dollars will end up chasing themselves, decreasing their own purchasing power:

Thus, we see that while an increase in the money supply, like an increase in the supply of any good, lowers its price, the change does not-- unlike other goods-- confer a social benefit. The public at large is not made richer. Whereas new consumer or capital goods add to standards of living, new money only raises prices-- i.e., dilutes its own purchasing power. The reason for this puzzle is that money is only useful for its exchange-value. Other goods have "real" utilities, so that an increase in their supply satisfies more consumer wants. Money has only utility for prospective exchange; its utility lies in its exchange-value, or "purchasing power." Our law-- that an increase in money does not confer a social benefit-- stems from its unique use as a medium of exchange.

[Murray N. Rothbard, What Has Government Done to Our Money? (1964), p. 13.

An increase in the money supply, then, only dilutes the effectiveness of each gold ounce; on the other hand, a fall in the supply of money raises the poser of each gold ounce to do its work. [Rothbard is speaking of the long-run effects in the aggregate.] We come to the startling truth that it doesn’t matter what the supply of money is. Any supply will do as well as any other supply. The free market will simply adjust by changing the purchasing power, or effectiveness of its gold unit. There is no need whatever for any planned increase in the money supply, for the supply to rise to offset any condition, or to follow any artificial criteria. More money does not supply more capital, is not more productive, does not permit "economic growth."

 Thus governments must decrease the savings and spending of their subjects in order to maintain the stability of its fiat currency.  They do this through taxation, the impoverishment of the middle class, and the maintenance of  trade deficits.  The more money flows out of the hands of their constituents and into the hands of foreigners the better the fiat money machine can operate without revealing their scam.  It is a parlor game waged against the unwitting public.  By the controlled theft and impoverishment of the middle class, the Federal Reserve can attempt to keep its fiat currency on stable footing.  This is the true goal of monetary policy in this country.  It is not about creation of money, but about the maintenance of its value over time, and creating short term booms and busts along the way through credit expansion.  This is why we have seen the Fed refrain from its role of money creation, while reducing itself to raising and lowering prime rates.  Of course, this parlor game can only last as long as an uninformed public is content with the ever decreasing value of their savings in dollars, and with the periodic economic disasters that are magnified by such a system.  The Fed really doesn't care if a recession or depression hits, because its only goal is to maintain the value of its currency.  We are told today that booms and busts just happen, and that it is a natural phenomena of markets, but there is nothing natural about a fiat money market.  This conditioning is preparing us for the difficult economic times to come, while distracting us from the real problem.  As long as hard economic times can be blamed on corporate greed, and the relative stability of the currency maintained, then the Fed is more than happy to sit in the background, profiting from these planned economic downturns.    

This leads to a startling conclusion: the existing money supply is sufficient for all economic transactions. We don’t need any more money. (Well, actually, I do. But you don’t.) We also don’t need a Federal Reserve System to manage the money supply. We don’t need a government rule that compels the Federal Reserve or the Treasury to increase the money supply by 3% per annum or maybe 5% (Friedman’s suggested rule). Besides, who would enforce such a rule? It’s a rule for rulers enforced by rulers.

Ultimately, only earned income improves human life.  Only earned income provides net-productive investment capital.  Only earned income generates net advances in prosperity, business, jobs, education, well-being, health, science, art, and romantic happiness. 

Then what do we need? Freedom of contract and the enforcement of contracts. Nothing else? Only laws that prohibit fraud; laws which are equally and equitably enforced. To issue a receipt for which there is nothing in reserve to back up the receipt is fraudulent.

Essentially, a silver standard may be ideal, and much more difficult for the unscrupulous to manipulate than a monetary branch of our government, that will be in charge of governing itself.  No standard will be perfect, and we should not attempt to achieve a perfect standard; after all, we live in an imperfect world.  By simply reintroducing honesty and integrity to the system, we will have gone a long way towards perfection, and it is certainly preferable to the present corrupt fiat system.  We don’t want to get carried away with control, for when we try to control things too much we often resort to tyranny.  We certainly don’t want to replace one tyranny with another.  Allow the free market to do what it does best:  manage the ebb and flow of honest trade.  A single commodity standard, though far from perfect, will restore honesty and integrity to our monetary system. After all, the government just can’t go out and mine silver whenever it needs some more money. 



 "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"--Benjamin Franklin


 “A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it away.”-- Thomas Jefferson  



Public dependency on the government must be weaned.  Social Security, welfare, public schooling, public television, public arts etc. are an affront to freedom and liberty.  All too often I have been told by those that are receiving Social Security (this term as used to describe a government program is an oxymoron) or any other government program they have grown dependent on, that they wouldn’t know what to do without it.  “How would you take care of the elderly, the poor, and the handicapped,” they would reply.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that stealing from one group of people (no matter their class distinction or age) and giving to another is wrong.  What did we do before the giant government monster was created by FDR in the 40’s?  We still had the elderly...  We still had the poor...  And we still had the sick.  A society founded upon just principles and individual liberty would spawn such a renaissance that the standard of living for all would be increased exponentially, and a morally just society will not allow the needy (if their shall be such a thing) to starve.  Charity would be so plentiful that we would hardly know what to do with the leftovers, and the elderly would be taken care of by their families, as it was in the past.  You have no idea the level of suppression that has occurred with our economy due to the actions of the Federal Reserve.  The U.S. is still the greatest country in the world, but it should be far greater.  Our Constitutional Republican framework, even with the sabotage that it has withstood over the years, has produced one of the wealthiest countries in history-- but we should be much wealthier and freer.  We are the freest communist country in the world, but we are by no means free.   Today the gap between wealthy and poor grows ever wider, while the middle class is being squeezed out of existence.  We are becoming a country of the super wealthy vs. the poor, and much of this country’s vast wealth has been acquired through fraudulent means and stashed in “Monopoly” money.  The corruption of the Federal Reserve System has exposed this country’s supposed greatness for what it is:  a house of cards built on sinking sand.  “A house divided against itself cannot stand”, and the divide is growing ever wider to the extent that one day we will find ourselves in the midst of another “Great Depression”, where the tyrannous Fed and her family of banking tycoons will increase their infinite holdings, while the rest of us starve in their designed impoverishment.  Does that sound extreme?  That is precisely what happened in 1929.


Name any government program, and then ask yourself this question:  is it worth slavery?  Welfare:  is it worth slavery?  Social Security:  is it worth slavery?  Etc.  This country was torn asunder by a Civil War in the 1860’s; a war that ended with the abolition of black slavery.  Today we have an entire class of citizens that willingly sell themselves into slavery, and for what?  Security?  Wealth?  Freedom?  No, none of these... but for slavery and the impoverishment of their decedents.  It would make their ancestors, who gave their lives for freedom, sick to know that their decedents would sell it so cheaply.      


This country’s great foundation of freedom and liberty has been replaced with one of deceit and fraud, and such a foundation always ends in ruin for whatever is erected upon it.  Any contribution to the welfare of fellow citizens must be voluntary and without coercion. Where is it written... "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it"?  It is time that the American people came to the obvious realization that Social Security and other government programs are ponzi schemes that shall crumble over time.  And any government that is able to deliver these services is also able to discontinue them.  A society dependent on the goodwill of government shall be sorely disappointed.  A society of individuals that has the ability to conduct business freely, keep the fruits of their labor, and save for their posterity will be far, far better off than a society dependant on the whims of a few old rich tyrants in the District of Columbia, and will see themselves advance into their elder years with enough accumulative wealth to appropriately refer to those years as “golden”.


 A liberated mind/body consciousness continually acts toward creating healthy, prosperous, happy lives for self, family, and humanity -- now and forever into the future.  Thus, such a liberated populace would reject, for example, socialist/fascist/populist demagogues trying to buy the populace with Rob-Peter-to-Pay-Paul plunderings from which they skim their self-enriching cuts.  Such a liberated populace would not brook vote-pandering politicians offering self-aggrandizing Ponzi schemes for “free” medical care and prescription drugs.  For, those schemes are force-backed larcenies that diminish or destroy the future of our children, our grandchildren, and the middle-class populace.                   


The Law

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law becomes the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!--  Frederick Bastiat

Today our laws are so convoluted that no one can make sense of them.  We are forced to pay extortion fees for lawyers, who then are on a proper social status in order to make deals with prosecutors and judges, who also have no idea what the true interpretation of these arbitrary laws mean.  It is a caste system designed to bilk the middle class, and that is precisely what it has done.  The law should never be so complex that the simple citizens of the State cannot understand it.  A Lawyer should be a luxury and not a necessity.  The present system is designed to foster confusion for the masses, while only a few powerful at the top actually know what is going on.

 The State has corrupted laws so much that citizens are not sure which activities are legal and which activities are illegal. With subjective laws and politicized justice, it becomes hard to determine if one’s actions are legal or illegal. This provides an incentive for citizens to seek authorization from authorities before taking action. And this inherently puts the authorities in a position of power and control over citizens.  When did the people start working for government instead of the government working for the people?


We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life physical, intellectual, and moral life.

But life cannot maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course.

Life, faculties, production in other words, individuality, liberty, property this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.--  Frederick Bastiat

The power of our Constitution, mainly the Bill of Rights, must be returned to “We the people”.  Those “self-evident” truths espoused by Thomas Jefferson must be upheld and protected by our laws, or our laws shall be turned into anti-laws and made null and void.

Perhaps Cicero in 51 BC said it best, concerning Natural Law:

"True law is right reason in agreement with nature, universal, consistent, everlasting, whose nature is to advocate duty by prescription and to deter wrongdoing by prohibition.  Good men obey its prescriptions and prohibitions, but evil men disobey them.  It is forbidden by God to alter this law, nor is it permissible to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish the whole of it.  Neither the Senate nor the People can absolve us from obeying this law and we do not need to look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of this law.  There will not be one law at Rome and another law at Athens.  There is now and will be forever one law, valid for all peoples and all times.  And there will be one master and ruler for all of us in common, God, who is the author of this law, its promulgator, and enforcing judge.  Whoever does not obey this law is trying to escape himself and to deny his nature as a human being.  By this very fact, he will suffer the greatest penalties, even if he should somehow escape conventional punishments."-- Cicero 51 BC

A Congress that shall use its legislative powers sparingly and independent of corruption is a necessity for a just society.  Our government must be held accountable to the people, from which all governmental authority is derived.  Let the oaths of office that our public officials take be a ponderous weight upon their heads; let our Constitution be restored to its original functions in defending the liberties of the people; let monetary freedom and liberty be the lattice work of our economy; and let free and unfettered trade be the great cornerstone of our capitalist society.  It is possible; it has been done, sustaining it for posterity is our goal.

by Ryan Bradfield



Quoted from: A Program for Monetary Stability, by. Dr. Milton Friedman, Fordham University Press (N.Y. 1960, 1992), pgs. X, 66-76, 100-101; and, Free to Choose by  Dr. Milton & Rose Friedman, Harcourt Brace & Co. (San Diego 1980, 1990), pgs.  307-308.

Frederick Bastiat, "The Law", (1750).

[Murray N. Rothbard, What Has Government Done to Our Money? (1964), p. 13.

Gary North, "Mises on Money", (2005).